2-Photon Microscopy

🔬 Femtonics LtD. - Budapest, HU
🥼 MPFI - Jupiter, FL, USA

I worked with resonant and acousto-optic ultrafast 3D 2-Photon microscopes to study the 3-dimensional functional architecture of the mouse brain. To visualize neurons and smaller functional elements such as dendritic spines, model animals were first operated to express a fluorescent protein in their nervous tissue. In vivo imaging was performed after a cranial window has been implanted to study the brain's response to sensory stimuli and to understand the neural basis of visual perception.


During this work I quickly realized my preference towards computational methods and the development of new technologies instead of the wet-lab work. Therefore I shifted my field towards computational neuroscience.


Form Generation

🩺 Medneo GmbH. - Berlin, DE

During my work at medneo GmbH, I designed and implemented an automated patient form generation prototype, that was later deployed and integrated into the main infrastructure of the company as generally used in-house software. The tool allows the company to centrally handle form-related information of hundreds of contracted imaging centers via a commercially available CMS. Upon changes in the data, the tool automatically regenerates affected patient forms and exports to a shared server for the convenience of imaging center personnel. Solving the problem is not straightforward given local legal context throughout german states, shared or varying information blocks in vastly different forms, multiple praxes of the same contractor and many other issues that makes traditional database-based methods difficult. In contrast using a commercial CMS solves these problems by hierarchically structuring data (similarly to webpage contents) and allowing users to change data without any coding.

Furthermore, I contributed to a patented technology for semi-automated quality assesment of medical images developed by the company.
