My Studies

๐Ÿ“ Budapest, HU and Berlin, DE.
๐ŸŽ“ BSc: Molecular Bionics Engineering
๐ŸŽ“ MSc: Computational Neuroscience

I did my bachelor studies (2012-2016) at the PPKE ITK, Budapest, Hungary in Molecular Bionics Engineering. During my studies I specialized in 2-photon microscopy and microscope validation through in-vivo brain imaging. At the end of my studies I have spent a year at the Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience, FL, USA as a post-bac fellow where I operated a special 2-photon microscope.

I finished my masters studies (2017-2021) at the BCCN Berlin, DE in Computational Neuroscience. During my studies I got particularly interested in the collective behavior of humans and other animals and how one could synthesize such behaviors in simulations or on embodied robot agents in the physical world. I am currently working on my PhD (Dr. rer. Nat.) on the field of collective intelligence research and swarm robotics at the Science of Intelligence Cluster, Berlin.


My Experience

๐Ÿ”ฌ Femtonics LtD. - Budapest, HU
๐Ÿฅผ MPFI - Jupiter, FL, USA
๐Ÿฉบ Medneo GmbH. - Berlin, DE
๐Ÿค– Science of Intelligence Cluster - Berlin, DE

Over the years, I have shifted my focus from experimental techniques to computational ones. I have worked with 2-photon microscopes and carried out microsurgeries on model animals like mice. Additionally, I designed experimental tools to facilitate imaging and data analysis, created an automatic form creation tool and patient indexing method, and contributed to designing an automated diagnostic pipeline, among other projects. More recently, I have focused on engineering a terrestrial robot swarm, designing their fully decentralized controller based purely on vision, creating a fully mechanistic model to study the role of embodiment in collective foraging tasks, and designing an augmented reality system for robots, humans, and simulated agents.


My Interests

๐Ÿ’ก Prototyping
๐Ÿ›ธ New Technologies
๐Ÿงช Research
๐ŸŒฑ Nature

I am interested in solving problems through learning new technologies. From the initial design to the working prototype my passion lies in making things work. I am keen on advancing scientific research by applying technologies and principles in interdisciplinary contexts. I am fascinated by scientific advancements and the nature we must respect and coexist with, along with all its creatures and hidden wonders.



A robot swarm navigating only using visual perception

Collective Foraging Model

Modeling complex vision-based foraging behavior.


Augmented reality for humans, robots and simulated agents.

Other Projects

A collection of various smaller projects.

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